Electric Vehicle Technician Training Online
Do you have a strong background in ICE powered vehicles but lack the knowledge and skills in power electronics and data communication systems to safely perform service-related work on Electric Vehicles.
George Brown College offers a self-paced EV Technician Certificate Program designed to train Automotive Technician interested in improving their technical knowledge to diagnose, service and repair high voltage EVs.
Areas of study include:
• Introduction to electricity and electronics
• Troubleshooting EV power electronic devices, sensors and actuators
• EV powertrains including inverters, traction motors and batteries
• High Voltage EV safety systems
• Battery packs, fuel cells and battery management systems
• Commercial and residential battery charging stations
• Principles and applications of autonomous vehicles
• EV maintenance, repair and troubleshooting EV power electronic devices, sensors and actuators
Includes simulation software that provides a “hands on” experience to properly understand the operation of EVs.
Click here to find out more about this program.
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