The year was 1939, and the automobile was still in its early days. It was somewhere between being a novelty and a staple when some forward-thinking leaders in the automotive industry started noticing a trend. They saw that cars were picking up speed, becoming an integral part of modern life and that soon nearly everyone would own one.

With increased ownership comes an aftermarket, and the founders of AARO saw the need for an association that would join together independent businesses across Ontario to promote professional quality automotive service and provide a network of support for its members.

The Automotive Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario is a not-for-profit association, and we welcome independent businesses engaged in the automotive service industry, as well as their associate members and suppliers. We’ve created a robust network over the decades, proudly supporting them even up to the level of the provincial government, where we advocate on their behalf.

The automobile has come a long way since 1939 and we’ve been in the passenger seat,along for the ride as the industry grows and changes every year. And still…there’s so much road to travel.

Our pledge

For a long time, it was tradition for prospective members to take the pledge as part of their official bid. Though we've bypassed the membership pledge in recent years, it still remains an integral part of our history and heritage

As a member of the Automotive
Aftermarket Retailers of Ontario (AARO):

  • We will stand behind our work and honour all guarantees and warranties associated with our services we provide and the products/parts we use. We will recommend and perform only those services we deem to be in the best interests of our customers.
  • We will conduct ourselves at all times with the honesty, integrity and skills associated with professionals.
  • We continuously update our knowledge to effectively meet the demands of the new automotive technology.
  • We continuously upgrade our tools and equipment to meet the demands of today's sophisticated automobiles.
  • We will provide our customers the fair value for services rendered.


We are an action-oriented not-for-profit association passionate about uniting the independent automotive aftermarket to address industry challenges. We are a solutions-based organization resolving current and emerging issues affecting our profession. We are the resource for industry information and training, consumer education, and your representation in government relations.


Our board members are the driving force behind everything we do. They're the movers and shakers on your behalf, and we value their service and expertise.

Eric Mileham

Board Chair

Bruce Eccles

Vice Chair

Alan Beech


Rudy Graf

Past Chair

John Cochrane

AARO Executive Director

Ken Coulter


Darryl Croft


Steve Gushie


Kurt Hillebrand


Mark Lemay


Emily Chung


Ju Chen


Tyler Rump


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